No eviction of homeless persons from their sleeping places In times of the reduction of social services and increasing rents, of evictions and construction of social housing […]
The right of a roof over one’s head Homeless people are cleared and displaced from public areas by the Public Order Office and their belongings are […]
Housing is a human right As a homeless charity, we show solidarity with all those affected by evictions. Evictions only cause people to […]
Warum die AfD fĂĽr uns unwählbar ist Aufgrund der erschreckend hohen Zustimmung fĂĽr die AfD fĂĽr die Bundestagswahlen diesen Sonntag fĂĽhlt sich die Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe […]
In memory of GĂĽnter Schwannecke In memory of GĂĽnter Schwannecke, one of the many victims of inhuman violence 27 years ago, the political […]
Against exploitation and racism In 2016, the SPD scrapped almost all social benefits for people from other EU countries. For many homeless […]