The Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e. V. is almost exclusively funded on donations. They cover our three times a week helping tours for homeless people and persons in need, our emergency shelter and our night café, as well as the rent and the maintenance of the association’s facilities.
If you like the idea and the work of the Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V., then please support us with your money or donation of goods.
Please do bear in mind that we cannot accept all kinds of donated goods but rather only items that people living on the streets really need. For this, please take a look at our demand list.
What do we buy with your donations?
Everything for the tours
Primarily, we buy things that are important for people living on the streets but which are, however, rarely donated. This mainly involves sleeping bags, backpacks, camping mats, tents, warm shoes, underwear or socks. With the money, we, of course, cover our van, the rent and the maintenance and equipment of our premises.
Food products
We receive the biggest share of our food for the tours for our emergency shelter from the Tafel and Foodsharing, but we also buy non-perishable foods, spices, and coffee additionally.
Even though our organisation jobs are mainly volunteer-based, we have individuals for accounting, cleaning of the rooms and administrative tasks on our payroll.
Projects and Public Relations
From time to time, we have specific projects such as the currently on-going Mobility for All campaign, thanks to which we purchase BVG tickets for people in need and we remunerate the public relations work.
Every donation is welcome – no matter how small. Each Euro counts!
Thank you for your support.
Your Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V. Team