social counseling

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For those affected

Since the beginning of 2021, we have been offering counseling to people at risk of homelessness and homeless people on the topics of social and housing assistance, and help with the mediation of social benefits and the search for a place to live.

The focus is on your needs as an affected person. Counseling is anonymous if you wish and, of course, free of charge. If you need help or support, feel free to contact us.

How to reach us :


Maya Völkel


0157 5241 2694

Stefan SchĂĽtzler


0159 0616 2196

Anne-Katrin Schulz

Projektkoordination Wohnen

0176 4807 4349

Come to our office day!

Thursdays 10 am – 4 pm

If you need help or support, you are welcome to contact us by phone or come to our office hours on thursdays.

You can find our office at ExerzierstraĂźe 23, 13357 Berlin (near Osloer StraĂźe subway station)

If you would like to support our work:

We help our clients in a wide variety of short and medium-term emergency situations – with emergency purchases for food or medication, during pregnancy and/or illness, with house clearance or furnishing, with debts, with moving house… in short, in all the (im)possible situations that life in and on the edge of homelessness can bring. All of this is financed exclusively from non-public donations. Your donation is therefore always welcome.

Account details:
Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE76 4306 0967 1213 2027 00
Intended use: Sozialarbeit

Donations for social counseling can also be made directly on betterplace.

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer internships.